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​Phrasal verbs that can be used in everyday conversation (1)

​Verb + preposition

日常生活で使える句動詞 (1): About


Please repeat each word and sentence after your teacher. 

Repeat each word and sentence after the teacher.

get on ~ -  Ride on

    I get on the train every morning. I get on the train every morning.

get back  - return

    I got back to Japan. I got back to Japan.

get along with ~  ――I am on good terms with

    I get along with my classmates in school. I get along with my classmates in school.

get up  ――Wake up / get up

    I get up at 6am in the morning. I get up at 6am in the morning.

get out  - I go outside

    I got out of the room because it was too hot. I went out because the room was too hot.

get in touch  - contact

    Please get in touch with me next week. Please contact me next week.

日常生活で使える句動詞 (1): Text
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